The Control Arms “Hat-Trick” of side events concluded with a widely attended event on ratification and entry into force in the historic ECOSOC Chamber at United Nations Headquarters. The event focused on the strides already made and the road ahead toward Entry into Force for the ATT. The event was co-hosted by the governments of New Zealand, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Nigeria, Mexico in cooperation with Control Arms members Saferworld and Parliamentarians for Global Action.

The event was chaired by H.E. Dell Higgie, New Zealand’s Ambassador for Disarmament, who talked about the necessity for a template that will give “guidance towards what other countries have felt helps incorporate a treaty in the national legislation”. She believes this guideline will make the ATT “more attractive for ministers, members of the parliament and parliamentary drafts people as they will not have to start with a clean slate.”

Also included in the impressive panel of speakers were Amb. Eduardo Ulibarri (Costa Rica), Amb. Urs Schmid (Switzerland), Pablo Arrocha (Mexico), Amb. John Ejinaka (Nigeria), Roy Isbister (Saferworld), and Peter Barcroft (Parliamentarians for Global Action).

The panel noted that the ATT continuesto gain momentum and there was wide agreement that entry into force could happen as early as next year. To view each of the statements made at the panel, visit the Control Arms Livestream Archive.

To read more about each of the side events hosted by Control Arms at the United Nations during General Assembly First Committee, click here.

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