All States Parties to the ATT, exporters and importers alike, need to understand when and how to assess the prevalence of arms-related GBV and states’ responses to it, to effectively incorporate GBV-related ATT obligations into export assessments. 

This practical guide offers advice to practitioners and state representatives engaged in export assessments required under the ATT in relation to GBV. It offers useful indicators, guidelines and emerging principles to help develop the requisite expertise and experience to meaningfully incorporate GBV into export assessments.

It does not intend to be exhaustive, conclusive nor provide guidance on whether a certain situation or context could or would require a prohibition under Article 6 or a denial of authorization pursuant to Article 7. Instead, building on previous publications that identify indicators of GBV, sources of data and suggested questions to ask during export assessments,1 it provides an implementing framework within which licensing officials can consider their GBV-related obligations in assessing arms transfers to ensure they comply with the ATT and promote its goals.



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