As part of the “100 Days of Speaking Out!”, a countdown to the treaty negotiations, Control Arms will regularly feature stories and profiles of different people who support a bulletproof ATT.

Over the past month, PRESS – Save the Children Youth Norway has been active throughout Norway spreading the word about the need for a strong Arms Trade Treaty through their ‘Speak Out! Weeks of Action’ initiative. As part of their efforts, the organization has set up booths throughout the country including in Bergen, Norway’s second largest city, to advocate for the upcoming Arms Trade Treaty negotiations in July. The local activity in Bergen alone has provided a boost the popular movement in support of the ATT and has generated hundreds of signatures for the global petition as part of the Speak Out! Control Arms Now campaign.

Sindre Måge is the leader of the Bergen division of PRESS Save the Children and commented on the local campaign efforts. Måge, speaking with a member of the Norwegian press said, “We want to put the spotlight on arms. The campaigners are trying to create public awareness and get the politicians and the media to react. The ultimate goal is to establish an arms trade treaty at the United Nations.”

PRESS Save the Children has also been actively promoting the campaign through social media and their quarterly magazine, Larm. In Norway, PRESS is joined by the Norwegian Peace Association, Forum for Environment and Development, Norwegian Church Aid, and Amnesty International as strong members of the Control Arms coalition.

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