As part of the “100 Days of Speaking Out!”, a countdown to the treaty negotiations, Control Arms will regularly feature stories and profiles of different people who support a bulletproof ATT

The search for Holland’s top lobbyist has concluded and Bo Cornelissen, a 26 year old International Business student at the Avans in Den Bosch has been declared the winner. Bo garnered more signatures for the Control Arms petition for a strong arms trade treaty than more than 90 of her fellow competitors, gathering an outstanding 860 supporters. She will join Dutch civil society groups attending the Diplomatic Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty for two days while the negotiations on this historic process begin.

Bo was able to gather so many signatures by calling on fellow students to sign the petition while conveying the importance of this landmark opportunity to regulate the trade in conventional weapons. During her time in New York Bo will help with campaign efforts by blogging about her experience and continuing to generate support for the Treaty through social media.

Holland’s Top Lobbyist was an initiative by Control Arms Members Amnesty International, IKV Pax Christi, and Oxfam Novib to help generate awareness about the treaty negotiations and show widespread support in the Netherlands. Together the organizations have generated more than 83, 000 signatures over the past few months! More than a quarter of a million people like Bo have already pledged their support for a strong Arms Trade Treaty. If you have signed up yet, there’s still time. Sign the Control Arms petition today!

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