Control Arms made further progress on developing a civil society monitoring regime for the Arms Trade Treaty when it convened a two-day meeting of experts in Geneva, Switzerland last week. The meeting brought together over 30 experts from government, the United Nations, civil society and research institutes to review a draft proposal developed by Control Arms consultants in recent months. The proposal, which builds upon consultations with more than 40 key actors, considers all major aspects of a future monitor including its role, scope, research sources/methodology, format, editorial oversight, staffing, budget and relationship to Control Arms. These same topics formed the basis of discussion at the meeting last week.

The two days were highly productive and will help Control Arms to better clarify and identify the purpose of a monitor and to refine many of the topics referenced in the draft proposal. It was clear that everyone present agreed on the need for a civil society monitor on ATT universalization and implementation, and also its importance in improving transparency and accountability.

Control Arms will now review the input received at the meeting and move toward finalizing a project concept in the coming months, with the goal of launching an initial monitoring report at the first Conference of States Parties.

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