Lebanon has become the 122nd State to sign the Arms Trade Treaty. Their signature could provide further impetus for additional engagement on the ATT from other States from within the Middle East region.
Fadi Abi Alam,Executive Director of the Permanent Peace Movement in Beruit said,that Lebanon’s action “is an amazing step that has taken by the Lebanese Government. In such a situation where terrorism is hitting Lebanon by arms that are clearly out of any control,signing such a treaty is an action of peace building and additional proof that the Lebanese are lovers of peace.
Additionally,the ATT,saw the number of ratifying countries rise to 54 as Guinea became the latest to join the landmark treaty. Guinea is the sixth State from the Economic Community of West African States to ratify the ATT.
The Arms Trade Treaty will enter into force and become international law on 24 December,2014. On this date,States will no longer be able to sign the Treaty and will have to accede to officially become State Parties.