Peru signed the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on September 24, 2013. Although this was a monumental step for the Treaty, ratification is critical in order to integrate the goals of the ATT into widespread practice. The Institute of Security and Human Rights (ISDH) with support from Control Arms, implemented the “In the Final Stretch, ” program to encourage Peru to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty.

In order to raise awareness within the nation, ISDH held the National Initiative Group on the rights of the child (GIN) on 29 May 2015 which integrated help and training from other organizations whose missions are to teach the importance of access prevention and arms control to children and teenagers.

In addition, ISDH organized a press conference as part of a media and awareness campaign to gain momentum for ATT support in Peru. The conference consisted of field experts and important leaders, such as the president of the National Congress, and it called upon the congress to include the plenary ratification as part of the congressional agenda.

The success of the press conference was evident in the immediate positive response from the media; the relevance of the ATT is evident in the rise in fire arms related crimes being presented in the daily news. Currently, there is support for ratification of the ATT in four of the parties in Peru- Unión Parlamentaria, Fuerza Popular, Gana Perú, and Perú Posible. With the continued work of partners like ISDH and the widespread support of government officials, the possibility of ratification in the near future remains promising.

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