Research and Reports

ATT Practical Guides

This is a non-exhaustive list of practical guides developed to assist States to apply International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and Socio-Economic Development to arms transfer decisions.

Arms Trade Treaty: Model Law: Government of New Zealand and Small Arms Survey

National Implementation of the Proposed Arms Trade Treaty: CITS, Oxfam, Saferworld (2010)

Applying Sustainable Development to Arms Transfer Decisions: Oxfam (2009) [English] [Spanish] [French]

Applying Human Rights Standards to Arms Transfer Decisions: Amnesty International (2008) [Spanish] [French] [Arabic]

Applying International Humanitarian Law Criteria: ICRC (2007) [Spanish] [French] [Chinese]

Control Arms Statements and Submissions
Control Arms Reports (Archived)


Save Lives [French] [Spanish]

Finishing the Job: Delivering a Bulletproof ATT: Control Arms
Import and Transit Considerations in an Arms Trade Treaty: Control Arms
“Getting it Right” Report (March 2013) by Oxfam International & Saferworld. [Spanish] [French] [Arabic]
Aiming for Control: The Need to Include Ammunition in the ATT 
by PRIO Peace and Research Institute Oslo – 2013
Gender-based violence and the Arms Trade Treaty: reflections from a campaigning and legal perspective 
by Oxfam – November 2013

The Final Countdown Compendium A Historic Opportunity (E-Book- Kindle, iTunes)
Putting Women’s Rights into the Arms Trade Treaty: Oxfam, Saferworld, Womenkind, UNA-UK, UN Program Action Committee 
Armed Robbery: How the poorly regulated arms trade is paralyzing development: Control Arms, Oxfam
Stop a Bullet, stop a war: Why ammunition must be included in the Arms Trade Treaty: Control Arms, Oxfam
The Devil is in the Detail: The Importance of comprehensive and legally binding criteria for arms transfers: Oxfam
Transparency and Accountability: Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under an Arms Trade Treaty: International Peace Information Service and TransArms-R

Implementation: June 2011: Control Arms
Arms Transfers to the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons for an Effective Arms Trade Treaty: Amnesty International
An Implementation Framework for the Arms Trade Treaty: Saferworld 
Our Right To Know: Transparent Reporting Under an Arms Trade Treaty: Amnesty International
Small But Lethal: Small Arms Ammunition and the ATT: PRIO, Norwegian Church Aid ActAlliance, Forum for Environment and Development
How an Arms Trade Treaty Can Help Prevent Armed Violence: Amnesty International and IANSA

Arms Trade Killer Facts: Amnesty International 
Deadly Movements: Transportation Controls in the ATT: Amnesty International


Scope: Type of Transfers: Saferworld
Scope: Type of Weapons: Saferworld
The ATT and Military Equipment: Saferworld
The ATT: Countering Myths and Misperceptions: Amnesty International, Insituto Sou da Paz, OXFAM, Project Ploughshares, Saferworld and Albert Schweitzer Institute
Stopping the Terror Trade: Human Rights Rules in the ATT: Amnesty International 

Towards an Arms Trade Treaty: Perspective of Countries in Latin America
Blood at the Crossroads – Executive Summary: Amnesty International 
Shooting Down the MDGs: Oxfam 
Making it Work: Monitoring and Verifying Implementation of an ATT: Saferworld
Blood at the Crossroads: Making the Case for a Global ATT: Amnesty International 


Africa’s Missing Billions: International Arms Flows And The Cost Of Conflict: IANSA, Oxfam, Saferworld

The Arms Trade Treaty and Central American Existing Law: Arias Foundation 
UN Arms Embargoes – Overview of the last 10 years: Amnesty International, Control Arms, IANSA, Oxfam
The AK47 – World’s Favorite Killing Machine: Control Arms, Oxfam 
Arms Without Borders: Why A Global Trade Needs Global Controls (Full): Amnesty International, Control Arms, IANSA, Oxfam 
Ammunition: The Fuel of Conflict: Oxfam

Towards An ATT: Next Steps For The PoA: Control Arms, Amnesty International 
Impact of Guns on Womens’ Lives: Amnesty International, Control Arms, Stop Violence Against Women

Shattered Lives: The Case for Tough International Arms Control: Amnesty International, Control Arms, and Oxfam

ATT Monitor

 2021The ATT Monitor, an independent project of Control Arms, is the de facto international monitoring mechanism for the ATT and serves as a source of information on the implementation of, and compliance with, the Treaty. Its research and analysis serves to strengthen Treaty implementation efforts and improve the transparency of the conventional arms trade.


ATT Monitor Reports

2021 Report 2020 Report| 2019 Report 2018 Report | 2017 Report | 2016 Report | 2015 Report 




Sept 2017:  Goals not Guns: How the Sustainable Development Goals and the Arms Trade Treaty are Interlinked [FRENCH]

AUG 2016: Tackling Terror: How the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) could stop the diversion of arms and ammunition in West Africa   [ENGLISH]  [FRENCH]

FEB 2016: Dealing in Double Standards: How arms sales to Saudi Arabia are causing human suffering in Yemen [FRENCH] [SPANISH]

AUG 2015: Arms Transfers to South Sudan

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