Control Arms
Small Grant Programme

2021 Ready to Engage
Small Grant Programme
The 2021 grant provided crucial funds to bolster the review of progress of ATT implementation and universalization, promoting stronger ATT compliance through bilateral meetings and encouraging submission of their initial and annual reports under Article 13 in the difficult context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Control Arms 2021 Ready to Engage Small Grant was made possible with support from the Government of Switzerland and input from International Campaign to Ban Landmines – Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBL-CMC)

Virtual meetings with official representatives and public outreach through radio programmes
Mexico, Uganda (MI-RPD), and Liberia

Consultation workshops and round tables with government officials
Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya (SRIC), Liberia, Uganda (RCIDC), and Zambia

Establishment of Working Groups composed of government officials, parliamentarians, civil society
Argentina, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya (SRIC)

Bilateral meetings with governmental institutions and authorities
Cote D’Ivoire

2021 Ready to Engage Small Grant by Region
To support ongoing work of our members, over $18,000 was allocated to 11 member grantees in amounts ranging between $1000 and $2,300
36% of the projects were led by women
Sub-saharan africa
latin america and the caribbean
middle east and north africa
2021 Ready to Engage Small Grant by stakeholder engagement
- Four grantees successfully met with high government officials at the ministerial level,
- Four grantees met with Parliamentarians and Senators
- Three grant recipients connected with several key stakeholders from various sectors
ministries & high government representatives
parliamentarians, senators, & policy-makers
other stakeholders

Meet the Grantees
Overall, six grantees successfully met with high government officials at the ministerial level, four grantees met with Parliamentarians and Senators, and four grant recipients connected with several key stakeholders from various sectors such as National Commissions for Peace and Security, Focal Points for Small Arms Control, and regional civil society groups, among others.
Asociación para Políticas Públicas (APP)
APP promoted the implementation and universalization of the ATT through a hybrid event focused on Art. 7 which brought together government representatives from Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay.

APP promoted the implementation and universalization of the ATT through a hybrid event focused on ATT risk assessment that brought together government representatives from Argentina, Costa Rica, and Uruguay.
The establishment of the “Armas & Control” Working Group of Stakeholders, composed of parliamentarians, civil society members and academics with the purpose of strengthening arms control policies and supporting the effective implementation of the ATT in the region.

Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP)
CAMYOSFOP maximized advocacy efforts during the consultation meeting by making use of social media platforms. The proceedings facilitated the exchange of information which helped identify the following challenges: ensuring compliance with financial obligations and respecting the principle of transparency when submitting annual reports.

CAMYOSFOP undertook to review ATT implementation progress in Cameroon and identified goals and expectations for the ATT CSP in August 2022.Participants included in consultation witherritorial Administration, Delegation of National Security, the Cameroon Human Rights Commission, National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), and civil society representatives.
CAMYOSFOP maximized advocacy efforts during the consultation meeting by making use of social media platforms. The proceedings facilitated the exchange of information which helped identify the following challenges: ensuring compliance with financial obligations and respecting the principle of transparency when submitting annual reports.

Democratic Republic of Congo – Femmes des Médias pour la Justice au Congo (FMJC)
Carried out a round table with national ministers and civil society members to discuss the process of the DRC’s accession to the ATT

Held round table discussions with national ministers and civil society members to discuss the process of the DRC’s accession to the ATT.
The creation of an ‘ATT Team’ composed of government experts from the National Committee for Disarmament and International Security and the National Commission for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (CNC-ALPC).

Cote d’Ivoire- Réseau d’Action Sur les Armes Légères en Afrique de l’Ouest (RASALAO-CI)
Organized meetings with governmental institutions and authorities such as the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons (ComNat-ALPC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of State to raise awareness concerning ATT implementation and the need for new legislation regulating arms and ammunition.

Organized a series of meetings with governmental institutions and authorities such as the National Commission to Combat the Proliferation and Illicit Circulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (ComNat-ALPC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of State, and the Secretariat of the National Security Council to raise awareness concerning ATT implementation and the need for new legislation regulating arms and ammunition.
Launched a campaign that included media coverage in newspapers, radio, television and social media platforms to bring attention to the ATT implementation process in Cote d’Ivoire.

Kenya – Pastoralist Journalists Network (PAJAN)
Held round table discussion on strategies toward accession to the ATT; planned contact with Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the status of the ATT; and promoted the benefits of the ATT to communities at regional level through radio programmes.

Held round table discussion on strategies toward accession to the ATT; planned contact with Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the status of the ATT; and promoted the benefits of the ATT to communities at regional level through radio programmes.
Formed a Joint Committee with parliamentarians to support ATT accession efforts 2022, and published 10 media stories featuring various regional voices that urged the government to prioritize ATT accession.

Kenya – Security Research and Information Centre (SRIC)
Conducted consultations with government officials to advance ATT universalization through advocacy and encouraged the continued prioritization of the ATT in the government’s agenda.

Conducted consultations with government officials to advance ATT universalization through advocacy and encouraged the continued prioritization of the ATT in the government’s agenda.
Successfully drafted an advocacy plan with an agreed strategic path for Kenya’s accession to the ATT.

Liberia – Liberia Action Network on Small Arms (LANSA)
Held meetings to urge representatives from the Liberian legislature to pass the ATT Act the amended Small Arms Commission Act into law for the effective implementation of the ATT. Followed meetings with media coverage to raise awareness of the importance and impact of the ATT Act and the Small Arms Commission Act in achieving effective treaty implementation.

Held meetings to urge representatives from the Liberian legislature to pass the ATT Act the amended Small Arms Commission Act into law for the effective implementation of the ATT. Followed meetings with media coverage to raise awareness of the importance and impact of the ATT Act and the Small Arms Commission Act in achieving effective treaty implementation.
Significant media coverage of the meetings on the draft laws, specifically newspaper and radio extended awareness of the ATT and small arms control to a wider audience and increased positive pressure on Liberian legislators to pass the two draft laws, both of which will enhance ATT implementation on the national level.

Mexico – Global Thought Mex (GTM)
Engaged with non-governmental organizations in a combined effort to draft an action plan containing key points on ATT implementation.

Engaged with non-governmental organizations in a combined effort to draft an action plan containing key points on ATT implementation.
Collaboration with Mexican Ministry for Foreign Affairs and civil society through a virtual meeting to work toward mitigating the low rate of annual ATT reporting and promoting confidence in the ATT Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF).

Uganda – Mechanism for Search of Peace and Development Initiative (MI-RPD
Held meeting with members of Parliament highlighting the importance of expediting accession to the ATT.

Held meeting with members of Parliament highlighting the importance of expediting accession to the ATT.
Raised awareness on the dual roles of government and civil society to move forward with Uganda’s prompt accession to the ATT, including through radio programmes targeting audiences around the African Great Lakes’ region.

Uganda – Regional Centre for International Development Corporation (RCIDC)
Organized two consultations with government officials addressing the urgent need for accession to the ATT

Organized two consultations with government officials addressing the urgent need for accession to the ATT.
- The first consultation gathered the Senior Presidential Advisor on National and Regional Security, the Minister for Kampala City, and aids to the President of the Republic of Uganda, which reached the conclusion for the urgent need of ATT accession.
- The second consultation promoted the advancement towards ATT accession with participants from the new parliamentarians part of the Peace and Security Committee.
- With support of the first meeting, held a bilateral meeting with the Assistant Private Secretary to the President of Uganda further reinforcing advocacy efforts.
- Increased cooperation and awareness building among government officials and parliamentarians on the need to prioritize ATT accession.

Zambia – Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolutions of Disputes (SACCORD)
Organized bilateral meetings and an orientation workshop with newly positioned Zambian Administration officials from various Ministries where civil society and other stakeholders emphasized the need for a national legal framework on the regulation of arms and effective ATT implementation.

Organized bilateral meetings and an orientation workshop with newly positioned Zambian Administration officials from various Ministries where civil society and other stakeholders emphasized the need for a national legal framework on the regulation of arms and effective ATT implementation.
Received a request to engage with the National Assembly to organize another orientation workshop for new parliamentarians and their predecessors with the goal of obtaining further support for passing the bill on arms regulation.