Ten years ago, Kenyan cattle-rustler turned peace activist Julius Arile presented Control Arms’ “Million Faces” petition to the UN Secretary General in New York, calling for States to begin developing an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). This week in Nairobi, his story was presented at the premiere of a new film that documents his transformation from armed warrior to elite professional run/>pecial sc
reening of Gun Runners was hosted by the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA) and Control Arms, and included a question and answer session with Julius and filmmaker Anjale Nayar. The documentary tells the powerful personal stories of Julius, and fellow runner Mandika, and shows how people can transform their lives.

Julius Arile and film maker Anjali Nayar
“When I see the film, I feel very happy especially when it is being enjoyed by a big group of people from many backgrounds, ” said Julius. “I want the people who view it to remember where they come from, and that what problems they face there can be solved. We need to take it back to my community and show people there how a life can be changed.”
Reverend James Dong, Director of Assistance Mission to Africa from South Sudan, said: “To me Julius, you are already the number one winner – because you have shown how a person can turnaround their life, and make a difference not only in your own community, but also the world.”
The Nairobi event included diplomats and as well as many civil society representatives from across Kenya and the Great Lakes region. Gunrunners has been shown in Toronto as part of the Hot Docs film festival, and Control Arms will be supporting future screenings around the world. Please get in touch if you would be interested in a screening.